Algebraic methodology and software technology : 7th International Conference, AMAST'98, Amazonia, Brazil, January 4-8, 1999 : proceedings
Material type:
- 03029743
Duration Calculus, a Logical Approach to Real-Time Systems / Zhou Chaochen -- Abstract Algebraic Logic / Don Pigozzi -- Systematising Reactive System Design / Thomas S.E. Maibaum, Pauline Kan, and Kevin Lano -- Systematic Design of Call-Coverage Features / Pamela Zave -- Visual Abstractions for Temporal Verification / Zohar Manna, Anca Browne, Henny B. Sipma, and Tomás E. Uribe -- A Linear Metalanguage for Concurrency / Glynn Winskel -- Verification of Bounded Delay Asynchronous Circuits with Timed Traces / Tomohiro Yoneda, Bin Zhou, and Bernd-Holger Schlingloff -- Verification of Temporal Properties of Processes in a Setting with Data / Jan Friso Groote and Radu Mateescu -- A Logic for Real-Time Systems Specification, its Algebraic Semantics, and Equational Calculus / Gabriel A. Baum, Marcelo F. Frias, and Thomas S.E. Maibaum -- Effective Recognizability and Model Checking of Reactive Fiffo Automata / Gregoire Sutre, Alain Finkel, Olivier Roux, and Franck Cassez -- Combining Methods for the Livelock Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant System / Bettina Buth, Jan Peleska, and Hui Shi -- Separating Sets by Modal Formulas / Bernhard Heinemann -- Interpolation in Modal Logic / Maarten Marx -- Building Models of Linear Logic / Valeria de Paiva and Andrea Schalk -- Term Rewriting in a Logic of Special Relations / W. Marco Schorlemmer -- Abstraction Barriers in Equational Proof / Jo Erskine Hannay -- A Synergy Between Model-Checking and Type Inference for the Verification -- of Value-Passing Higher-Order Processes / Mourad Debbabi, Abdelkader Benzakour, and Béchir Ktari -- A Trace-Based Refinement Calculus for Shared-Variable Parallel Programs / Jürgen Dingel -- Consistency of Partial Process Specifications / Maarteen Steen, John Derrick, Eerke Boiten, and Howard Bowman -- Obervational Logic / Rolf Hennicker and Michel Bidoit -- Scheduling Algebra / Rob van Glabbeek and Peter Rittgen -- Algebraic Semantics of Coordination or What Is in a Signature? / José Luiz Fiadeiro and Antónia Lopes -- An Algebraic Approach to Combining Processes in a Hardware/Software -- Partitioning Environment / Leila Silva, Augusto Sampaio, Edna Barros, and Juliano Iyoda -- An Algebraic View of Program Composition / Pietro Cenciarelli -- Architectural Specifications in CASL / Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrezej Tarlecki -- Pi-Congruences as CCS Equivalences / Paola Quaglia -- Algebraic Specifications, Higher-Order Types, and Set-Theoretic Models / Hélène Kirchener and Peter D. Mosses -- Type Analysis for CHIP / Wlodzimierz Drabent and Pawel Pietrzak -- Categorical Programming with Abstract Data Types / Martin Erwig -- Condensing Lemmas for Pure Type Systems with Universes / Blas C. Ruiz Jiménez -- Improving Computations in a Typed Functional Logic Language / Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez -- Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs / Fausto Spoto and Giorgio Levi -- Factorizing Equivalent Variable Pairs in ROBDD-Based Implementation of Pos / Robert Bagnara and Peter Schachte -- A Single Perspective on Arrows between Institutions / Alfio Martini and Uwe Wolter -- On Oracles for Interpreting Test Results against Algebraic Specifications / Patrícia D. L. Machado -- Systems and Tool Demonstrations -- RECOPLA: An Extendible Graphic Meta-Editor / Zoltan Gassmann, Luis Mandel, and Roshan Sembacuttiaratchy -- The State of PEP / Bernd Grahlmann -- The ABACO System – An Algebraic Based Action COmpiler / Hermano Perrelli de Moura and Luis Carlos de Sousa Menezes -- Author Index