A minimal OCL-based profile for model transformation

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (310 KB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: The MDD (Model Driven Development) initiative covers a broad spectrum of research areas such as modeling languages, definition of transformation languages among models, and construction of support tools. Currently, some of these aspects are being established and applied, while others are still in the process of definition. Consequently, it is necessary to make every effort to convert MDD and its concepts and related techniques into a coherent proposal, based on open standards, and supported by mature tools and techniques. Transformations among models require specific languages for their definition. These languages must have a formal base, for instance, a metamodel that supports them and allows for an automated treatment. This paper presents a declarative language for model transformations inspired on OMG (Object Management Group) standards. Our proposal is expected to be a minimal extension of the already existing OMG specifications, and it basically uses OCL (Object Constraint Language) language to specify transformation relations.
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Capítulo de libro Capítulo de libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática Biblioteca digital A0085 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Link to resource No corresponde

Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática-UNLP (Colección BIPA / Biblioteca.) -- Disponible también en línea (Cons. 29/12/2008)

The MDD (Model Driven Development) initiative covers a broad spectrum of research areas such as modeling languages, definition of transformation languages among models, and construction of support tools. Currently, some of these aspects are being established and applied, while others are still in the process of definition. Consequently, it is necessary to make every effort to convert MDD and its concepts and related techniques into a coherent proposal, based on open standards, and supported by mature tools and techniques. Transformations among models require specific languages for their definition. These languages must have a formal base, for instance, a metamodel that supports them and allows for an automated treatment. This paper presents a declarative language for model transformations inspired on OMG (Object Management Group) standards. Our proposal is expected to be a minimal extension of the already existing OMG specifications, and it basically uses OCL (Object Constraint Language) language to specify transformation relations.

Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingenieria de software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento (6ª : 2007 feb. : Lima)