Dealing with variability in context-aware mobile software

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (1336 KB)Subject(s): Summary: Mobile context-aware software pose a set of challenging requirements to developers as these applications exhibit novel features, such as handling varied sensing devices dynamically adapting to the user’s context (e.g. his her location), evolve quickly according to technological advances. In this paper, we discuss how to handle variability both across different domains during the evolution of a single application. We present a set of design structures for solving different problems related with mobility (such as location sensing, behaviour adaptation, etc.), together with the design rationale underlying them, how these sound micro-architectural constructs impact on variability. Our presentation is illustrated with case studies in different domains.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática-UNLP (Colección BIPA / Biblioteca.)

Mobile context-aware software pose a set of challenging requirements to developers as these applications exhibit novel features, such as handling varied sensing devices dynamically adapting to the user’s context (e.g. his her location), evolve quickly according to technological advances. In this paper, we discuss how to handle variability both across different domains during the evolution of a single application. We present a set of design structures for solving different problems related with mobility (such as location sensing, behaviour adaptation, etc.), together with the design rationale underlying them, how these sound micro-architectural constructs impact on variability. Our presentation is illustrated with case studies in different domains.

ELSEVIER. The Journal of Systems Software 83 (2010)