MockupDD : facilitating agile support for model-driven web engineering

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (496,9 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Model-Driven Web Engineering methodologies provide a more pro- ductive way of building Web Applications using high-level models and generat- ing final implementations from them. However, they follow a waterfall-like development process, forcing to specify a different set of models sequentially to obtain a first runnable prototype of the Web Application. On the other hand, agile methodologies pursue an iterative process based on the delivery of appli- cation prototypes in short periods of time using manual coding, which results less productive and more error-prone in comparison to model-based approaches. In this work we propose a hybrid agile and Model-Driven approach called MockupDD that intends to blend the best of MDWE and agile development processes.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Model-Driven Web Engineering methodologies provide a more pro- ductive way of building Web Applications using high-level models and generat- ing final implementations from them. However, they follow a waterfall-like development process, forcing to specify a different set of models sequentially to obtain a first runnable prototype of the Web Application. On the other hand, agile methodologies pursue an iterative process based on the delivery of appli- cation prototypes in short periods of time using manual coding, which results less productive and more error-prone in comparison to model-based approaches. In this work we propose a hybrid agile and Model-Driven approach called MockupDD that intends to blend the best of MDWE and agile development processes.

International Workshops ComposableWeb, QWE, MDWE, DMSSW, EMotions, CSE, SSN, and PhD Symposium (2013, jul., 8-12 : Aalborg, Dinamarca). Springer; 2013. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8295), pp. 325-329.