User interface patterns for hypermedia applications

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (1,1 MB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Designing high quality visual interfaces for hypermedia applications is difficult; it involves organizing different kinds of interface objects (for example those triggering navigation), prevent the user from cognitive overhead, etc. Unfortunately, interface design methods do not capture design decisions or rationale, so it is hard to record and convey interface design expertise. In this paper, we introduce interface patterns for hypermedia applications as a concept for reusing interface designs. The structure of this paper is as follows: first, we introduce the context in which these patterns were discovered and we give a rationale for their use. Then we present some simple but effective patterns using a standard template. We finally discuss some further issues on the use of interface patterns in hypermedia applications.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Designing high quality visual interfaces for hypermedia applications is difficult; it involves organizing different kinds of interface objects (for example those triggering navigation), prevent the user from cognitive overhead, etc. Unfortunately, interface design methods do not capture design decisions or rationale, so it is hard to record and convey interface design expertise. In this paper, we introduce interface patterns for hypermedia applications as a concept for reusing interface designs. The structure of this paper is as follows: first, we introduce the context in which these patterns were discovered and we give a rationale for their use. Then we present some simple but effective patterns using a standard template. We finally discuss some further issues on the use of interface patterns in hypermedia applications.

International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (5a : 2000 may. 23-26 : Palermo, Italia) Proceedings. Nueva York : ACM, 2000, pp. 136-142