Identifying and modelling complex workflow requirements in web applications

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (525,2 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Workflow plays a major role in nowadays business and therefore its requirement elicitation must be accurate and clear for achieving the closest so- lution to business's needs. Due to Web applications popularity, the Web is be- coming the standard platform for implementing business workflows. In this context, Web applications and their workflows must be adapted to market de- mands in such a way that time to minimize effort. As they get more popular, they must give support to different functional requirements but also they con- tain tangled and scattered behaviour. In this work we present a model-driven approach for modelling workflows using a Domain Specific Language for Web application requirement called WebSpec. We present an extension to WebSpec based on Pattern Specifications for modelling crosscutting workflow require- ments identifying tangled and scattered behaviour and reducing inconsistencies early in the cycle.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Workflow plays a major role in nowadays business and therefore its requirement elicitation must be accurate and clear for achieving the closest so- lution to business's needs. Due to Web applications popularity, the Web is be- coming the standard platform for implementing business workflows. In this context, Web applications and their workflows must be adapted to market de- mands in such a way that time to minimize effort. As they get more popular, they must give support to different functional requirements but also they con- tain tangled and scattered behaviour. In this work we present a model-driven approach for modelling workflows using a Domain Specific Language for Web application requirement called WebSpec. We present an extension to WebSpec based on Pattern Specifications for modelling crosscutting workflow require- ments identifying tangled and scattered behaviour and reducing inconsistencies early in the cycle.

CWE 2012 International Workshops: MDWE, ComposableWeb, WeRE, QWE, and Doctoral Consortium. Revised Selected Papers (2012 jul., 23-27 : Berlín) Berlín:Springer, 2012. Current Trends in Web Engineering. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7703), pp. 146-157.