Learning object assembly systems : a case study

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (198,9 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Assembling is an essential part of the Learning Objects paradigm from its beginnings. There are currently many methodologies that are aimed at automating part or all the assembly process. In this paper, we present a case study in which a specific Learning Objects assembly methodology was applied. To carry out this process an Assembly System, called ELO-Tool, was used. The results obtained are analyzed and discussed. These results show a positive and satisfactory experience of the teachers involved, as well as, the possibility of assembly Learning Objects to create learning itineraries. Finally, improvement aspects in relation with the experience carried out are reviewed.
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Assembling is an essential part of the Learning Objects paradigm from its beginnings. There are currently many methodologies that are aimed at automating part or all the assembly process. In this paper, we present a case study in which a specific Learning Objects assembly methodology was applied. To carry out this process an Assembly System, called ELO-Tool, was used. The results obtained are analyzed and discussed. These results show a positive and satisfactory experience of the teachers involved, as well as, the possibility of assembly Learning Objects to create learning itineraries. Finally, improvement aspects in relation with the experience carried out are reviewed.

Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (12da : 2017 : La Plata, Argentina)