Web-augmentation, design thinking, and collaboration engineering to foster innovation in DSS for agriculture : a case study

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (755,2 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Decision making in agriculture increasingly relies on software, for ex-ample to gather important information or to weight alternatives. Information sys-tems innovation in agriculture is a challenging and very active area. Existing soft-ware products, frequently implemented as web applications, are found to lack functionality, for example to support collaboration. Augmenting the web is a widely adopted technique for enhancing existing applications with new features which are not available out-of-the-shelf. Design thinking has proven to be an ef-fective tool to support innovation on many domains. Collaboration Engineering is an effective means to reuse design experience of collaboration strategies. This work presents an approach to involve end-users in enhancing exiting web soft-ware to produce incremental innovations. The approach relies on Design Think-ing, Web Augmentation and Collaboration Engineering. The approach was suc-cessfully tried in a case study letting end-users add collaboration support to a system that did not provide it.
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Formato de archivo PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Decision making in agriculture increasingly relies on software, for ex-ample to gather important information or to weight alternatives. Information sys-tems innovation in agriculture is a challenging and very active area. Existing soft-ware products, frequently implemented as web applications, are found to lack functionality, for example to support collaboration. Augmenting the web is a widely adopted technique for enhancing existing applications with new features which are not available out-of-the-shelf. Design thinking has proven to be an ef-fective tool to support innovation on many domains. Collaboration Engineering is an effective means to reuse design experience of collaboration strategies. This work presents an approach to involve end-users in enhancing exiting web soft-ware to produce incremental innovations. The approach relies on Design Think-ing, Web Augmentation and Collaboration Engineering. The approach was suc-cessfully tried in a case study letting end-users add collaboration support to a system that did not provide it.

Agriculture Value Chain - Challenges and Trends in Academia and Industry. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2021, 1, pp. 1-18.