Android programming : the Big Nerd Ranch guide
Material type:
- 9780134171456
Incluye índice.
Learning Android -- The necessary tools -- 1. Your first Android application -- 2. Android and model-view-controller -- 3. The activity lifecycle -- 4. Debugging Android apps -- 5. Your second activity -- 6. Android SDK versions and compatibility -- 7. UI fragments and the fragment manager -- 8. Creating user interfaces with layouts and widgets -- 9. Displaying lists with RecyclerView -- 10. Using fragment arguments -- 11. Using ViewPager -- 12. Dialogs -- 13. The toolbar -- 14. SQLite databases -- 15. Implicit intents -- 16. Taking pictures with intents -- 17. Two-pane master-detail interfaces -- 18. Assets -- 19. Audio playback with SoundPool -- 20. Styles and themes -- 21. XML drawables -- 22. More about intents and tasks -- 23. HTTP & background tasks -- 24. Loopers, handlers, and HandlerThread -- 25. Search -- 26. Background services -- 27. Broadcast intents -- 28. Browsing the web & WebView -- 29. Custom views and touch events -- 30. Property animation -- 31. Locations and play services -- 32. Maps -- 33. Material design -- 34. Afterword -- Index